National Pigeon Association is an all-breeds pigeon club with an international membership founded in 1920 by humans. Encompassing all varieties of domesticated pigeons, the NPA promotes, educates, and acknowledges the efforts of fanciers and pigeon breeders in the continued development and care of our feathered friends.The NPA holds one of the largest pigeon show in the United States – the Grand National - annually in alternating geographical areas of the country. Showcasing over 200 breeds of fancy, exhibition pigeons, the Grand National frequently attracts nearly 9,000 prized birds. Last year, the Grand National was held in Salt Lake City, Utah. A total of 3,721 entries representing 26 breeds of pigeon, from 271 exhibitors from every US State and Canada were exhibited. Below is just a few of some of the winners from the Grand National 2010. Believe me, you have never seen such well groomed and exotic pigeons before. 30 images after the break...
The Indian fan-tailed pigeon.
Founded in 1920 by the National Association of pigeon - is an international club of all breeds of pigeons.
Pomeranian dutysh
Each pigeon association at hand is a bracelet with the name of the breed, and belonging to a particular club.
The Association covers a wide variety of domestic breeds of pigeons.
Chinese Seagull
The organization promotes, teaches and talks about efforts in the development and care of "our favorite feathered friends!"
Saxon dutysh
Budapest korotkoklyuvy Thurman.
Association released a set of books, booklets and magazines, where you can see what a huge contribution made by the pigeons in our society, because for centuries they have delivered our messages.
German trumpeter
Charles Darwin and the BF Skinner - a scientific legend, they studied domestic pigeons
Pigeons have helped us make history.
Bohemian fairy swallow
Persian Roller
Another significant figure in this hobby became a Doctor Wendell M. Levi.
In his honor and was named the award of the National Association of pigeon.
Dr. Levy has written one of the most important works on all aspects of breeding pigeons
His book was published in 1941 titled "Pigeons"
«NPA Grand National» - the largest exhibition of pigeons in the U.S.
The exhibition «NPA Grand National» takes place every year in different parts of the country
At an exhibition of almost 9,000 people come to look at the interesting and unusual species of these amazing birds
Dwarf dutysh
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